3 destinations
in the High ValleysLes Hautes Vallées is a destination with three territories and eight communes spread across the wild, unspoilt valleys of the Briançonnais: La Grave, Villar d'Arène, Névache, Val-des-Prés, Cervières, Villard-Saint-Pancrace, Puy-Saint-Pierre and Puy-Saint-André. In the very north of the Hautes-Alpes and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, on the border with Isère, Savoie and Italy.
Discover the region
In the high valleys,
La GraveA popular destination for freeride skiing and outdoor activities in winter, you're at the gateway to the Ecrins National Park.
Discover the region
In summer, the terraced mountain pastures contrast with the blue of the glaciers, watched over by the Queen Meije for hiking enthusiasts.In the high valleys,
La ClaréeWelcome to the Vallée Enchantée, between Val-des-Prés and Névache!
Discover the region
In the heart of the Hautes-Alpes, on the French-Italian border, this destination offers over 20,000 hectares of pure nature: Nordic skiing and ski touring in winter, or a hiker's paradise in summer.In the high valleys,
L'IzoardBetween Briançonnais and Queyras, discover this atypical and grandiose territory.
Discover the region
Situated between the Col de l'Izoard and the Briançonnais, these four charming villages have a rich military and religious history, but above all they're peasant villages: welcome to Cervières, Villard-Saint-Pancrace, Puy-Saint-Pierre and Puy-Saint-André. -
Get inspired
Discover our blog to help you organize your stay in the Hautes Vallées - La Grave, la Clarée, l'Izoard
Discover the blogMoving in
high valleys
Discover the activities that are right for you! For families, first-time mountain adventurers, hikers or thrill-seekers.
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